You might be wondering how to repair leaky roof damage or how is the process to claim insurance for a brand-new roof. Roof leak by your homeowner’s insurance policy is mostly covered. You should bear in mind that the cause of the leak damage is a determinant of whether the damage will be covered or not. Alconero and Associates Public Adjusters in Miami provide you the inclusions that are covered in your policy.
Damages caused by a roof leak
If you have roof leak damage, the first indication is when you notice water damage in walls, ceiling overhead light fixtures, or even pooling water. It is essential to stop the source of the water by covering the leaky part or finding a way to catch the water before it can cause more damage in other parts of your home.
Coverage of roof leak damage insurance claims
Homeowner insurance policies aim to cover roof leak damages caused by sudden or accidental circumstances. Among these roof leak damage in Miami claims that are usually covered are as follows:
- Falling limbs or trees
- Other falling objects
- Hails or windstorms
- Roof leak damage caused by the weight of ice, sleet, or snow
- Vandalism or other malicious mischief
The inclusions aforementioned are all sudden and accidental, except for the latter. It is covered solely because the homeowner is not at fault for the roof leak damage. However, some insurance policies do not cover insurance to roof leak damage, especially when:
- Neglected
- Caused by wear, tear, and deterioration
- Roof leak brought by mold, fungus, or wet rot
- Roof leak damage that is settling, shrinking, expanding, or bulging
- Roof leak damage caused by rodents, birds, insects, and vermin
The causes of roof leak damage in Miami that are not covered by a homeowner’s insurance policy are on maintenance items and usually are not sudden: negligence is not a sudden phenomenon; a roof that leaks due to wear and tears are not also sudden; and wet rot is not accidental.
The exclusions aforementioned are just the most common ones, so you need to rely on your insurance policy on the complete list of exclusions. It is noteworthy to reiterate that a home insurance policy is not the same as a maintenance policy. Homeowners are solely responsible for repairing these damages.
Deductibles in Roof Leak Damage Insurance Coverage
Since many roof leak damage is caused by hail and wind, it is essential to know deductibles. Many homeowners’ insurance policies have up to three deductibles, and each one is applicable in different situations.
- A standard deductible is applicable for all roof leak damages, per occurrence.
- Many policies have wind or hail deductible, which is higher than the standard deductible and only applicable for wind or hail insurance claims.
- Those real estates near a coastline often have a third deductible, called named storm deductible, wherein it is applied if the damage to your real estate is caused by a storm, like a hurricane or a tropical storm. The percentage of the dwelling coverage for your home will be the basis of the deductible.
Only one deductible would be applicable for any single claim. If your insurance policy also depreciates your roof based on wear and tear caused by its age, you can visualize your insurance claim settlement shrinking to nearly nothing.
If you have filed a claim or are thinking of filing a claim on roof leak damage, Alconero and Associates Public Adjusters in Miami works exclusively for the policyholder serving the best throughout the claiming process.
How can Alconero and Associates Public Adjusters in Miami help?
As a homeowner, you need to be well-versed in the coverage of roof leak damage insurance. You also require you to be cautious and vigilant on wear and tears that can potentially cause massive problems. Elicit the help of Alconero and Associates Public Adjusters in Miami if you need assistance regarding roof leak damage claims.
We evaluate existing insurance policies in order to determine wha coverage may be applicable to a claim.
We investigate all detail, and substantiate damage to buildings and contents and any additional expenses. We also evaluate business interruption losses and extra expense claims for businesses.
We can determine values for settling covered damages. We will prepare, document and support the claim on behalf of the insured.
We negotiate a settlement with the insurance company on behalf of an insured, negotiating dollar values and if not able we continue to appraisal or mediation.
What is a Public Adjuster in Miami?
A public adjuster is a professional insurance claims manager. Public adjusters are hired to file, document, and advise on insurance claims. They also represent the insured during the process of assessing a claim’s worth and validity and negotiate with the insurance company in order to get the claimant the largest possible settlement. Essentially, a public adjuster is an advocate for the insured, ensuring that claims are correctly submitted and processed, and then working with the insurer in order to obtain the insured a higher payout.